Ooooooooooooooooh man. Only 1 day left till our move! I am STOKED! And a tad bit sad to leave. Aaaaaand totally completely stressed. Ugh. Moving. A total beeeotch amiright? The food sitch has been pretty dire with everything in boxes and whatnot. I STILL have my popsicle mold out though! And beer and juice in my fridge. So, pretty big fatty duh making these grapefruit shandy beersicles. A complete whim of an idea and they have become my favorite popsicles I've made all summer. Mmmmm....... beersicles.
So, as I said, the move is tomorrow. And I still have 8 of these babies left in the freezer. They melt SO fast, cause, you know, alcohol. So, we won't be taking them with us. I wish I could pass them out to everyone! But alas, we may just have to eat them all tonight! A boozy popsicle party! A beersicle party!
Could be worse.
- 16 oz grapefruit juice
- 12 oz IPA (I used Ninkasi Total Domination)
- ¼ cup sugar
- Blend juice and beer together in a large pitcher. Stir in sugar until dissolved.
- Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for 2 hours.
- Insert sticks, and freeze 6 hours or overnight.
- Remove from molds and store in plastic baggies for up to 2 weeks.
I am now dreaming of all the juicy beersicles I am going to make in our new place! Maybe some fresh blackberry juice? Or maybe fresh tomato juice? Too weird? I think it sounds delicious! Buuuuuut I may be going a bit crazy from, you know, weddings, packing, moving, AND working. Ugh.
I'm tired guys. Can't wait for our beersicle party!
I LOVE this idea! These sound so refreshing!
Patricia Bozeman
Thank you so much!
Aggie | Aggie's Kitchen
What an absolute fun and genius summer treat for adults! Love it. And gorgeous photos!
Patricia Bozeman
Thank you!
Pam Greer
Popsicles for grownups is a good thing. I would love it if you would link this up to Tipsy Tuesday at Grey is the New Black - a weekly cocktail link up!
Gabriel @ The Dinner Special podcast
Beersicles!! What an awesome idea. I think you're definitely onto something. Totally something to whip up for the next bbq! (Friends would be SO impressed!)
Patricia Bozeman
Thanks Gabriel!
oooh, I love this combination! I definitely would have helped "get rid" of these before the move...
Patricia Bozeman
We needed you! We left 2 in the freezer for next weekend's cleaning marathon. ha!
well that is a perfect plan, you will LOVE them then! hope it all goes smoothly! xo
Ali @ Home & Plate
Ok...these popsicles are DANGEROUS....but I'm a willing participant....yum!
Patricia Bozeman
ha! I know! Thanks so much Ali!
We've suddenly shifted from rainy and warm to rainy and hot (yay. humidity.) These will be the perfect treat! Incidentally, I'd love to know how you come up with so many clever ideas-- I'm always struggling to find my next diy or craft, and you come up with ingenious recipes all the time!
Patricia Bozeman
Thanks so much Tabetha! I thought of these while drinking Citrus Mistress from Hop Valley Brewing. A lot of my ideas are totally bogus, but this one worked out!
Could you make a cookbook with all your boozy creations? I would totally buy that. LOVE grapefruit + beer!
Patricia Bozeman
Man, that would be a DREAM! Someday when I have time (um.... what?), I'm planning an E-book along those lines!
Oh my word these look and sound delicious! And with grapefruit?!? Yes please!
Patricia Bozeman
Thank you!